Fingerpaint Records
CATALOG #: Fingerpaint 002
COUNTRY: United States
RELEASE DATE: January 1994
Tom Grimley Beck Hansen
QUANTITY: Limited to 3000
PRESSINGS: Originally pressed in 1994 at 3,000. Has "SexydeaTh Soda" scratched on side a and "Cherry Cupcake" on side b. First pressings have "Styrofoam Chicken (Quality Time)" in a never-ending loop. It was put extra deep into the vinyl so when the needle gets to the end it jumps it back to the beginning of the track, which is actually about a second long. All pressings have the misprint "A Western Harvest Moon by Moonlight" on the spine. When holding side b up to the mirror, under the little girl can be read "Happiness grows in your own back yard"
PACKAGING: First pressings came with a mini fingerpainting made by Beck and his friends at the record release party and is packaged in a plastic dust sleeve with red, orange or yellow sticker: "Original Fingerpainting Enclosed." Check out all of the known fingerpaintings here.
An easy way to differentiate original pressings with later ones is the address on the back cover. On original pressings, the address reads:
853 n. alta vista #9
los angeles, california
(213) 919-4269
bic side
MATRIX/RUNOUT: FPEP-002-1 SexydeaTh Soda L-42084
beek side
MATRIX/RUNOUT: FP-002-EP-2 cherry cupcake L-42084-X
Fingerpaint Records
CATALOG #: Fingerpaint 002
COUNTRY: United States
RELEASE DATE: 1995, 1997, 1998
QUANTITY: Limited to 6000
PACKAGING: There were 3 repressings of the album: 2000 in 1995, 2000 more in 1997, and 2000 more in 1998. It does not include the fingerpaintings or sticker like the original pressing.
A feature that easily differentiates this repressing is an address appearing on the back cover that is different than what appears on the original. The address on the repressing is:
fingerpaint POBox 277 Prince Station NYCNY10012
7510 Sunset Blvd Ste544 LACA90046
bic side
MATRIX/RUNOUT: FPEP-002-1 SexydeaTh Soda L-42084
beek side
MATRIX/RUNOUT: FP-002-EP-2 cherry cupcake L-42084-X