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:::::: 03.14.03: wine buffet revellers and sonic invisibility ::::::
a day of travel and airports. we rode into Brisbane on a passenger coach. the hour was late so we took our meal in the hotel restaurant. we sat down behind a massive phallic pillar, amongst long tables of young professionals imbibing the unlimited wine buffet. the sounds of laughter and shouting built furiously, ricocheting off the glass and concrete, and attacked our ears. it was comical trying to hold a conversation with my table mates among the drunken roar of the white shirted revellers. after our food came and an hour or so of this cacophony, jetlag and sleep deprivation seemed to impel us to a semi concious state where the sounds of the room grew like a wall encroaching on us. I decided to try yelling at the top of my lungs to see if anybody would hear it and diners 3 feet away didn't even notice. with this, I stole away to my airfreshed room for some airfreshened slumber.